May 29, 2017:
major map update was released today -
Moldova NT Road Atlas 3D & Topo, 2017.2, that successfully concludes a continuous labor effort done over the last several years.
Now we've got a unbeatable coverage of the country, with a
DOUBLED number of settlements having street names. Now they are
1000 in total (!). The full list is
Respectively, the number of labelled streets has exceeded 25 thousand, up from 15
thousand in the previous releases. This is a truly spectacular achievement for our product.
Also, we added
over 600 new points of interest, including: +150 shops, +130 companies and services, +50 tourist landmarks, +50 restaurants/cafes/hotels, +50 education institutions, +40 health care institutions drugstores, +40 churches and cemetries, +35 governmental institutions, +30
banks and ATMs, +25 stadiums and sport centers, etc.
Therefore, total number of POIs has now reached
190.5 thousand. Of these, 17.5 thousand contain phone numbers, i.e. an increase by about
100.At the same time, we added about
200 new address points in Chisinau.
This update is offered free of charge to all our customers.