March 6, 2023:
Map update released today: Moldova NT Road Atlas 2023.1
This time it is focused on our security!
This release has 759 new POIs in standard categories (+174 tourist attractions, +108 shops, +107 postomats, +117 units of the State Emergency Dept (SED), and other).
In addition to these, we added 1005 shelter points in case of emergency, as well as 3485 hydrant points - published by SED (which we consider important, given the current risks).
Therefore, total number of points of interest has now exceeded 98 thousand, which is a record number for Moldova!
As regards the tourist attractions, we finalized the input of data from the last issue of the series "Ariile naturale protejate din Republica Moldova", hence at this moment our map contains data from all 4 books released!
We have also included the data from the 2 issues of "Resursele acvatice ale Republicii Moldova".
Respectively, for 162 wells and springs we added on the map the information about water quality, which is very important!
As always, numerous technical corrections/updates were made to the routing, address search, etc.
And for the runners/hikers' community we added 22 km of trails in rural areas.
This update is offered to our customers free of charge.