Naviteh presents GARMIN Licensed Tehnology
for the Republic of Moldova


 The problem with old Garmin devices is the following: address search is only possible for
purely numeric house ranges
, because the house number search menu of most devices
does not have the buttons for typing the fraction sign or any letters


We have found an elegant solution that completely solves this problem -
the idea is to substitute the fraction symbol with "00", and in such a way, e.g. the house
7/6 is written as 7006,number 47/1 - as 47001, 202/3 - as 202003, etc.:

In a similar fashion we solved the problem with house numbers containing letters:

first the numeric house number's part is entered, then type in"00", followed by:
1 - for letter A
2 - for letter B
3 - for letter C
4 - for letter D
5 - for letter E
9 - for letters F...Z (there are very few of them), except lettersV (put 7) and G (put8).

Respectively, for house numbers based on Cyrillic alphabet, we type "00" and:
1 - for A / А
2 - for B / Б 
7 - for V / В
8 - for G / Г
4 - for D / Д
5 - for E / Е
9 - for letters Ж...Я (there are very few of them).

Therefore, the house number 17a shall be typed in as 17001,number 4b - as 4002,
24c - as 24003, 175v - as 175007, 8k - as 8009, etc.:


Address search - Chisinau, str. Puskin 47/1:

Address search - Balti, str. Suceava 21a:

Address search - Tiraspol, Kirpicinii Proezd 4/2:

Address search - Dubasari, ul. Kirov 219a:

Address search - Anenii Noi, str-la Arteziana 4a:

Address search - Briceni, str. M. Eminescu 19c:

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